Media Coverage Litigation Futures, Judge upholds $3.7m default costs certificate after delayed reaction, 14 April 2021 A costs judge has upheld a default costs certificate (DCC) on a $3.7m bill after the paying party’s solicitors did…damien_znsuk14614 апреля 2021
Media Coverage Law360, Supreme court’s view on foreign discovery eagerly awaited, 25 March 2021 The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether U.S. law allows federal courts to order discovery for private commercial…damien_znsuk14625 марта 2021
Media Coverage Law360, Supreme court’s view on foreign discovery eagerly awaited, 25 March 2021 The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether U.S. law allows federal courts to order discovery for private commercial…damien_znsuk14625 марта 2021
Media Coverage Law360, Hedge fund can’t get NY suit over $506M award Nixed In DC, 22 March 2021 A D.C. federal judge has nixed a bid to halt litigation in New York accusing a hedge fund of conspiring…damien_znsuk14622 марта 2021
Media Coverage EU Reporter, $3.7 million sanction upheld against Moldovan businessmen in UK court battle with Kazakhstan and National Bank of Kazakhstan, 16 March 2021 An English High Court decision has dealt a decisive blow to Moldovan businessmen Anatolie and Gabriel Stati. Previously, a different…damien_znsuk14616 марта 2021